Thursday, July 19, 2012

Knowing Teenage Girls Stress Symptoms

Knowing Teenage Girls Stress Symptoms are Teenagers can be a time of extreme stress. Knowing Teenage Girls Stress Symptoms is in this article we will examine the causes of stress in adolescents, warning signs of stress in adolescents, physical signs of stress, teens signs of adolescent mental stress, emotional signs of stress in adolescents and stress management solutions for teens. We all, young and old stress at some point in our lives. This is to emphasize how we meet and how we deal with the stress that determines whether there is a problem to manage. Stress, increase or better known in medical terms as a fight

or flight response is our heart rate, speed up metabolism and increases our awareness. A little stress can be good for us to keep us in harmony with our environment. If the stress continues for long, they can keep us in a constant state of tension. They started to bring us physically, mentally and emotionally.

The causes of teen stress
It really depends on each individual what they describe as stressful. What may be stressful for a teenager should not interfere with other young people in general. For this reason, we recommend, in line with individual feelings your child is different things. Family problems (divorce, death in the family, brother, sister, new, financial problems): the stresses from internal and external sources, some of them come. The transition to a new school. Difficulties in school (learning difficulties, too much homework, tests). Friends (no friends, embarrassment, fights with friends, acceptance or rejection, peer pressure, problems with boyfriend or girlfriend). Overload (too many extracurricular activities with school work, jobs, etc. combined). Diseases. Physical changes in the body. Lack of sleep. Decide their own future (college planning production scheduling,). Exceeding targets (trying to be perfect in many areas). (Can set goals too high by both parents and the victims themselves) high expectations.

Signs of stress teen can take many forms. Each youth will have the characters at different times, but if they can last for a long time tend to create more problems. Signs of stress can be physical, mental or emotional.

Physical signs of stress are teenagers headaches, abdominal pain, muscle pain, anxiety, eating disorders (overeating, malnutrition), sleep disorders (insomnia, nightmares). Character from oblivion youth mental stress, disorganized, poor concentration, lower class, signs of adolescent emotional, stress, anger quickly, Sad, impatience, frustration, easily agitated, violent.

Creating a Stress Management for Teens
Now, we understand the causes of adolescence and the signs of stress, what can we do as parents to help mitigate its effects? The more stressful by simple methods can be lost each day. If the stress of life of those who seek the best professional help for their most penetrated.

Talk - Talk to your child about what is bothering them. Discussion and work on the problems of a person to help the other, the tension builds. Encourage them to talk with their friends or other adults. Take time to relax - Ask them to activities they enjoy doing, like reading books or listening to music to find. Healthy diet and exercise - exercise (out of competition) can be constructed to reduce muscle tension, among others. Eat the right to practice their body healthy and ready to cope with stress. Avoid too much caffeine because it increases the fear. Be prepared / organized - Let's not wait until the last minute to do assignments or study for exams. Do you feel prepared and ready to cut on things too much stress. Ask them to make a daily plan to follow to be better organized. Learn relaxation techniques - breathing exercises, meditation and muscle relaxation is an excellent technology to reduce physical and mental tension.

Adolescence is a particularly stressful period of our lives. Changed so much around us that we are forced to deal with both. Whether intentionally or not, we as parents put too much pressure on our children than to keep it. Whatever the cause, it is very important to get to the root of the problem before it uncontrollable. If left untreated, stress can cause problems on the road that can be manipulated more difficult. Young people may turn to drugs or alcohol to reduce stress. You can become depressed or suffer from type of anxiety disorder. As parents, we can and must help us before hand. Knowing Teenage Girls Stress Symptoms are Teenagers can be a time of extreme stress. Knowing Teenage Girls Stress Symptoms is in this article we will examine the causes of stress in adolescents.

Knowing Teenage Girls Stress Symptoms are Teenagers can be a time of extreme stress. Knowing Teenage Girls Stress Symptoms is

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