Thursday, July 19, 2012

Knowing Your Teenage Girls Puberty (About Body Changes and Sex)

Knowing Your Teenage Girls Puberty (About Body Changes and Sex) are This is a difficult issue to deal with, Knowing Your Teenage Girls Puberty (About Body Changes and Sex) is to tell our daughters about the realities of life. This will certainly help if a young mother with young children, speaking of the body is the standard budget. Learn the correct names for body parts not only the toes and nose, but her breasts and vagina should also be started when they were children, said Jan Mallak, doula and educator, who is the mother of the seminar or daughter Center Midwives Women's Health. This helps parents find the right words to talk with them again

as they age. If you're like many parents, and spoke of the body is not yet the norm, not the budget, it is not too late. Carol Weston, author of Girl Talk: All the stuff your Sister've Told You (Quill, fourth edition, 2004), says, only to be forgiven for not fully, breathe deeply and do not be afraid for your daughter to say that it is difficult for you to talk.

Has been published since the first edition of his book in 1985, Weston said that children on issues that are more mature at a young age were more exposed. Because there are so many other forces at work trying to influence the moral development of our children, Weston and Mallak both agree that it is more important than ever for modern parents can talk about changes body and sexuality with their children. Of course, it is easy to say to them, they are professionals. What we can do all the words to tell our daughter what will happen? For those looking for the right word, here is an introduction to everything you have missed the class of eighth grade health.

The birth of adolescent girls
The birth of adolescent girls is Female genitalia as a vagina known. The vagina leads to the uterus, which has two branches of the fallopian tubes. These pipes lead to the ovaries from releasing an egg each month, after a woman begins menstruating. Opening of the vagina and uterus, in which the meeting is called the cervix. In other words, your daughter should know, including the vulva, labia, clitoris and urethra. Visit this link for details. The male reproductive system begins with a penis. Hang below the penis scrotum. In the testes and scrotum part of the duct system, the male sperm and semen is to help production.

Time for Change Young Girl
Puberty is a process in which the adult body, and at age 9 years can begin. In girls, breasts and pubic hair begins to grow. An acceleration of growth after breast buds about a year. Your daughter will usually get their first period about two years after puberty begins. Puberty and continues to grow with the enlargement of breasts and hair growth. Since your daughter's breasts begin to bud, it is time to think about buying a bra. The first bra, bra or coach, no matter the cup size change, they do more, feel less embarrassed about their breasts. Ability to choose your daughter even sports bra type that comes in small, medium and large businesses. As the breasts begin to grow, here is how to measure bra size: Measure around the body, through the nipple. This is a measure of the chest. Then measure around his body under the breasts and add five inches (for the binder). This is the measuring tape. Difference between the two is the size of the cup. Each inch of difference is equivalent to one cup size. In other words, one inch equals one cup. Volume measurements, size bra she needs, such as 32A.

Teenage Girls Menstruation
The first period is usually preceded by about six months after discharge. This period is generally not more than 5-6 tablespoons of blood cleaner, two to seven days, was rejected. A cycle lasts on average about 28 days. Although 12 is the average age of menstruation, or menarche, is it not occur in girls as young as 9 or 10 now, before your child the rules, it is important to s' sure he understood what was happening. Age: 11 years is probably later, help them understand that this would happen to him, but you must be very complex right now. How much you want him to know is to you, but the explanation is simple as to say that an egg is released each month by the ovaries and travels into the uterus. If the egg is fertilized by the sperm of a man, a baby will begin to grow from egg cells. Each month, until the layer formed in the uterus to prepare for a possible pregnancy. When the body knows that the baby does not develop, then this layer is damaged and leaks through the vagina and outside the body.

Maybe what young girls are most worried about is the embarrassment factor, or not be prepared. Explain that it is to collect blood on a special mat for this purpose. Buy stamps and showed him how they contribute to the easy and secure attachment to her and how they roll up and throw. Some manufacturers sell smallersized pads specifically designed for young teens or preteens do. In fact, it may be best to let your daughter know that she, the fluid that comes before it started and I bought some panty liners are used, it is expected to protect her panties. It could be a sort of warmup for the big event. As the daughter of Weston is 11, he gathered a small kit to keep in their lockers at school. It was also when they go to summer camp. He stressed that even if a supply of nurses with children in general are more comfortable with his mother to give them. A movement like this can eliminate many of your daughter may be unprepared to feel afraid.

Regarding the buffer, but it's not something you want to start your daughter to be used, it is important to remember that they are a very cheap alternative to pads especially for swimmers and athletes other. The use of a buffer does not damage the vagina, they can not not be used in the uterus through the cervix, a tampon meant women no longer a virgin. Two important things to remember, tampons are as follows: Make sure it is far enough into the vagina accommodated, so that the edges are not trapped in the vaginal opening. It can cause irritation and leakage. It is also very unpleasant. To reduce the risk of toxic shock (very low anyway) to avoid, change the pad often you wash your hands before wearing and after changing tampons and pads when they sleep tonight.

Other changes teenage girl's body
As a child enters puberty, hormonal changes, likely affect the smell of skin, hair and body. Precocious puberty and they tend to reject the idea of a shower, just because they have children and have better things to do. Tell them that their bodies change, to make them less unpleasant body odor and it is important for you to take care of themselves while their bodies change. Remind them to wash their hair, they like to skip a step. Finally, they will want to take a shower every day.

Girls sexual behavior in adolescents
Girls sexual behavior in adolescents is Around the age of 12 years, a child needs to know the basics of sex. Girls sexual behavior in adolescents are how much detail as you, as parents, want to go to you. Do not you remember, however, that children will receive information where they can, when they do not want. Of course, the luncheon-table and a playground for this kind of thing. The most important thing to remember is that a direct question must always be met with direct answers and statements are not frivolous. It hurts your child. If you do not think what to say right away, tell them you'll talk later, do research, talk to your partner, whatever, and then say something like, you know , took the honey, if you already ask me what "do", I'm busy, but that's what that means. This gives you the opportunity to collect my thoughts and choose your words. If they are not easy questions, as you and dad to do? calmly explains that the relationship of each person is married, but in general it is what happened.

Although the details of sex is more than possible questions that you fear, you must learn to think outside the box to keep your teen safe. Both Mallak and Weston real problem with increased oral sex among children aged 11 Shocking as it may be seen some children do not seem as the sex action and seems not to understand that behavior inappropriate for young people. Oral sex also carries the risk of disease, you may want to let you know your child that it is impossible to imagine a game.

You talk to your kids
Even if you know the right words and know when to say, talk to your daughter for this change is very uncomfortable for many parents. Know that you are not alone. However, you want your child to get information from you, because you have the ability to transmit the values and rules. View Cart Mallak, the great American pastime. Start small with a journey of personal care products as particularly important, shampoo, soap and deodorant. It opens the door to talk about changes in the body. And then a trip for bras and menstrual supplies to dialogue.

Mallak Weston and also recommends books and classes. With my own daughter, we have classes when she was 11. Then I gave him a book, and that makes us both now comfortable enough with his 17yearold student, we were able to discuss difficult issues. Weston is one of the books I bought for my son when he was about 14, but then it is unusual for older teens, it's not something I give to the 10yearold. Check the library or bookstore for something you feel comfortable. Read it yourself first, if you do not know as much as your child. Growing up, his books should provide more facts. Be entitled to a daughter, a girl is too. Knowing Your Teenage Girls Puberty (About Body Changes and Sex) are This is a difficult issue to deal with, Knowing Your Teenage Girls Puberty (About Body Changes and Sex) is to tell our daughters about the realities of life.

Knowing Your Teenage Girls Puberty (About Body Changes and Sex) are This is a difficult issue to deal with, Knowing Your Teenage Girls Puberty (About Body Changes and Sex) is

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