Monday, July 23, 2012

Make Good Teenage Girls Behavior with Keeping Tabs

Make Good Teenage Girls Behavior with Keeping Tabs is Adolescence is often the most difficult time in life for parents and youth. Make Good Teenage Girls Behavior with Keeping Tabs are the youth with their parents, peers and build a sense of identity, while parents are desperately trying to understand and follow. However, children adopted to check a tendency to expect from their relationships with adults, parents and the whole range of answers watchful eyes, like a dictator, a hands off, the laissez faire and the best. Despite the fact that staying involved in your teen life, one of the most difficult tasks you will ever encounter, studies show that important things.

Major studies show that lack of parental support and guidance is one of the leading causes of risk behaviors such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs and sex without condoms, said Dr. Michael Anastasi, a family counselor in La Verne , Calif. While there appears to be a balance is really important for parents to keep in touch with the struggle with their teens and revising their role as caregivers. Although many parents may dismiss these concerns and believe that their teen would never behave this way, Anastasi recommend you take a deeper look. On average, kids found by their parents to take medication for two years before the discovery, and the majority of students who were sexually active said they did not confess their parents have this knowledge.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control Survey 1999 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance based on that assessment. According to the survey, 50 percent of high school students had consumed alcohol during the past 30 days, 26 percent smoked marijuana, 50 percent have had sex and 33 percent were mounted with conductive drunk. Since car accidents are the leading cause of death among Americans under the age of 24 years, and that four of the 10 young women - nearly one million years - at least one pregnancy before they don ' reach the age of 20 years, in the eye you do not keep a teenager, when the question, but how.

By adolescents of tracking technology
Twenty first century technology is a boon to parents who are trying to compete with their teenagers. Mobile phones have cost reduction easier to stay in contact for parents and youth. It also allows parents the convenience of being able to reach adolescence with a push of a button, the phone is also very useful in the case of an emergency. The phone is a good way to get some measure of responsibility for young people starting to do with the device itself, and Anastasi. When young people to share the financial responsibilities have one that can help them become independent in a positive direction. When choosing a cell phone, if the parents for a reliable unit with good battery life (with the possibility that the phone does not work when the most to minimize the second hand), research and select the phone company mobile services in all areas where teenagers go regularly. Know where your children are and what they do not make you chatty, it makes you a good parent, said Ingrid Sanden, spokeswoman for the National Campaign to prevent teen pregnancy. The phone is a good way for parents to stay in touch, but they must be used in the context of healthy relationships. The phone can parents a false sense of security that makes it easier for young people to stay where they are and do what he does. When it came down to it, the technique is not a substitute for good communication. Sands said that parents most important thing is to keep in touch with their teens a parent must be affordable.

Talking early and often with children about things like relationships, sex and drugs, it can be difficult, but children and young people have repeatedly said they prefer to hear about sex from their parents that their friends or the media, said Sands. Government statistics strongly support this view. In fact, 70 percent of teens surveyed said they were ready to think about their parents, they are not willing to discuss. When asked why young women become pregnant, over 70 percent cited lack of communication between a girl and her parents.

Good communication starts early
To realize the wrong way for parents to do what teenagers are starting to take an interest in their social lives after they are old enough to go, says Sands. Just as it does not make sense to wait to talk to children about drugs or sex until they reach high school, it makes no sense not to pay attention to their activities on the weekend end after obtaining their freedom. Parents must have an active interest in the lives of their children, their friends and parents friends at an early stage so that they can trust them as they grow into teenagers, said Sands. Although it is not always appropriate to go through their teen sock drawer, or to read their diaries, parents should really pay attention to the point that their children get together, what they see and hear and read. Parents should not be afraid of their children, monitor curfews set and set the standard for expected behavior.

Make Good Teenage Girls Behavior with Keeping Tabs - Agreed Melinda Thomas of Boulder, Colorado. The best advice I ever received came from my daughter's middle school, he said. He advised us to know our children's friends and talk with other parents to check schedule to confirm the supervision at parties and picnics. The bottom line is that parents and children need to trust each other, says 18-year-old Kellie Svengård, a high school student from Boston, Massachusetts, adolescence is a very difficult period with much feeling exhausted pair. Unfortunately, too many young people feel unloved, they do things to get attention to the cause. It is important that parents best friend of their child, and want to know what they do with their spare time. Both will give you the idea that good parents when their children and what they do. Make Good Teenage Girls Behavior with Keeping Tabs is Adolescence is often the most difficult time in life for parents and youth. Make Good Teenage Girls Behavior with Keeping Tabs are the youth with their parents.

Make Good Teenage Girls Behavior with Keeping Tabs is Adolescence is often the most difficult time in life for parents and youth. Make Good Teenage Girls Behavior with Keeping Tabs are

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