Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Troubled Teenage Girls with They Obesity Statistics

Troubled Teenage Girls with They Obesity Statistics are Statistics show, Troubled Teenage Girls with They Obesity Statistics is that teenage obesity has grown to become the epidemic of teenage obesity in the U.S. statistics, what causes obesity in adolescents and suggested activities to reduce the adolescent obesity. The term obesity, including children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years. The Institute of Medicine reports that there are currently about nine million children over 6 years to be obese.

Epidemic of Youth Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States.
Department of Health and Human Services Recently published statistics on teenage obesity is a dangerous trend. The report shows that 14% of American adults are overweight. This number has almost tripled over the last 20 years. This means that 14% of our youth are at risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and hypertension. Type 2 diabetes among youth has increased dramatically as a direct result of obesity in adolescents. In addition, adolescent obesity is associated with a very high probability of adolescents become obese adults increases the risk of other serious health problems.

Read these teenage obesity statistics can be a bit confusing, but it can also be seen as something to worry about tomorrow, because the statistics for obesity in adolescents who have found other problems faced by teenagers of today to shame. Adolescents who deal with childhood obesity to social discrimination, which can be devastating. Adolescents are overweight or obese often have low self-esteem that makes them participate in activities with other young people. Adolescent Obesity may also be depressed, which remain in a vicious circle of home and snacking in front of the TV may cause, suffer increased my weight, feeling bad about themselves, and spend more time watching television. Overweight teens may think it is a problem, they are powerless to change.

The causes of obesity in teenagers is usually a lack of physical activity combined with poor eating habits. We have an active community. We spent hours sitting in front of computers, video games or television. In a survey 43% of adolescents watch more than two hours of television per day. Daily physical education has been eliminated from many schools. More children are children, house keys, until the parents return from work to sit and watch TV or play video games. In a January report, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. William Dietz, director of the department of nutrition and physical activity of all the ways to fill in order to overcome this problem, the reduction of television in the be to measure effective implementation, the weight reduction in this population.

The other side of the equation, our diet often consists of greasy fast food, sugary snacks and some large portions in restaurants. On a strict diet is not the answer. It is important to change the way the whole family there. Whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be much food. Parents need to know the value of choosing whole grain bread instead of white. The August 2002 in the journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition report shows a strong correlation between the amount of wheat consumed for four years, and a healthy body weight, waist-hip ratio, and a decreased risk for diabetes. This is true regardless of how many processed foods, wheat, and no matter how much fiber.

The latest report from public health organizations have concluded that if children are given interesting places to play, and their participation and thus significantly improve their health and reducing obesity by promoting weight loss in adolescents . To do the activities that contribute to this, youth obesity, exercise and nutrition with a balanced diet. Troubled Teenage Girls with They Obesity Statistics are Statistics show, Troubled Teenage Girls with They Obesity Statistics is that teenage obesity has grown to become the epidemic of teenage obesity in the U.S. statistics, what causes obesity in adolescents and suggested activities to reduce the adolescent obesity.
Troubled Teenage Girls with They Obesity Statistics, Parenting, Parenting Troubled Teen, Teen Girls Behavior, Teenagers, Troubled Teen, Troubled Teenage Girls, Troubled Teenagers

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