Thursday, July 26, 2012

Parenting Troubled Teenage Girls Suicide

Parenting Troubled Teenage Girls Suicide is information on the statistics of teen suicide, Parenting Troubled Teenage Girls Suicide are facts about teen suicide, high risk groups of teenage suicide, warning signs to prevent youth suicide attempts, and what parents should (and should) not to prevent suicide. The girl attempted suicide twice the rate of boys. But times have you died as a boy as much as women by suicide. Boys tend to be more lethal methods such as hanging, jumping from a height to use, or weapons.

High risk of suicide among adolescents Group
High risk of suicide among adolescents Group are Teenage suicide for many reasons, but some common factors were identified. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the majority of those who had committed suicide, including adolescents, mental disorders or substance-related at the time of death. This disease makes it difficult to cope with stressful situations, such as young people can not pass a test, broke with a friend or a friend to handle the death of a loved one, or see their parents divorce. Some mental illnesses like depression can be difficult to detect in young, said Dr. Richard O'Conner, psychotherapist and author of the active treatment of depression. The symptoms are easily confused with common adolescent behaviors such as anger, apathy, or the act.

Even when young people at high risk of suicide, those who have one or more of these characteristics show. Perform poorly in school. Access to weapons. Victims of violence at home. Previously attempted suicide. With a family history of depression or suicide. Suffered physical or sexual abuse. Whether the fight against in order to address issues of sexual orientation. Do you have a friend who committed suicide.

Warning signs of teen suicide
Warning signs of teen suicide are According to the National Mental Health Association, will celebrate the five teenagers who commit suicide, given clear warnings of their intentions. Parents and friends should recognize this behavior often associated with suicide. The obsession with death, withdrawal from friends and usual activities. Verbal instructions: I'm not going away, or I'll see you again. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt. Suicidal thoughts or fantasies. Provision of property or business to put in order. Talking with friends about suicide. Dramatic changes in appearance or personality. Sharp decline in school performance or social interaction. Marked changes in eating habits or sleeping.

In particular, the threat of suicide or death, all the talk - even the writings or drawings that show the desire to die - should be taken seriously, no matter how they may seem harmless, or if the youth, it was dismissed as a joke.

With your juvenile behavior and feelings to be vigilant. Was depressed when he appears or withdrawn, you look closely at your child. You think about suicide often feel helpless and alone. You can help by open communication. Enter your willingness to listen. If your child is reluctant to communicate with you about how he feels confident to propose someone else in. Maybe he can be another relative, a clergy member, a school counselor or your doctor, you know who you talk to feel comfortable talking with the child. Keep communication open. Express your love and support. Question: You spoke recently about the death. Do you feel like your own suicide. Call your doctor psychiatry.

Do not lecture. But you say you do not have to live much longer, or try to make a list of reasons. Not minimize your child's feelings. Do not be afraid for your teen to talk about suicide. Do not think of anyone who talks about suicide will not really commit suicide. If suicide is a direct threat, leave your child alone. Do not assume that someone who is in the treatment and feel better not to commit suicide. Parenting Troubled Teenage Girls Suicide is information on the statistics of teen suicide, Parenting Troubled Teenage Girls Suicide are facts about teen suicide.
Parenting Troubled Teenage Girls Suicide, Girls Suicide, Parenting, Parenting Troubled Teen, Suicide, Teen Girls Behavior, Teenage Girls Suicide, Teenagers, Troubled Teen, Troubled Teenage Girls, Troubled Teenagers

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