Saturday, July 28, 2012

Teenage Girls Stress in the School When Lunch Time

Teenage Girls Stress in the School When Lunch Time It begins innocently enough. Teenage Girls Stress in the School When Lunch Time are have problem where a group of girls have a regular table in the cafeteria. They sat together since the beginning of the school year. One day, for no particular reason, chose a girl who did not want to sit next to someone, then he put his books on the seat beside him. These chairs are stored, said the girl, then he turned away from other girls. There is no other place on the table. She has avoided forced to find another place to sit is almost impossible territorially to the cafeteria.

With hurt feelings, she avoided his frustration with the issue of creation and dissemination of rumors about the girl who saved seats. Other girls at the end of the meal to take sides, and the recent war broke out lunch. The best thing would be a typical teenager spitting, and disappear within a few days. In the worst case, the dispute escalated in school and ended with the detention or even expulsion.

Do you know why it happened
Lunch seems to be concentrated social time at school (Eleanor Chase - Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania) to be. Lunch seems to be the right time is structured. Anne Rambo, a professor of family therapy at Nova Southeastern University, said that breakfast is the moment, the possibility of interpersonal injury.

It is the world more dangerous and confusing, with a little more protection to girls than in previous generations (Rambo). One way, I noticed that they are with their own insecurities of having a girl, seems strong and durable and are attracted without feeling. Dominant girl who looks confident and ruthless as the other girls gathered around him and is considered a popular. But it's not because he is so adorable. In high school, a group breakfast table early, and if it can not, it is not an open group. Teen movies and TV shows are broadcast lunches to children who are not really sit at a table may, with a group of children.

Lunch is not always friendly. In some ways, this is a networking tool. Sometimes children to the dinner table a common interest. Sometimes children are at the end of the breakfast table, because they want to be seen by a particular group. In general, children social dynamics of working in the canteen and understand social norms violated in another table often at the request of others, such as parents or other children seem to be a challenge.

When the boys over women
Some problems arise between members of the dining tables, usually in girls than in boys. Girls tend to have much more developed and rigid social hierarchy complex, said John Rambo. Association of boys are more relaxed, more flexible and less regulated by the state. An exception is a child, as effeminate or less manly is. Boys can be cruel and evil scapegoat of their own, of course. But in general, children spend less time and energy in the social hierarchy.

Mary Burns, of Châteauguay, Quebec, agreed. As a mother of two young boys and girls, she found that her children are much more relaxed about their social life, while her daughter has been through a roller coaster with the friendship. If the roller coaster This is what causes parents to wonder why girls are so cruel. However, the reaction of a girl is rejected by his friends as important as the act itself. Adolescent girls have been known to overreact and blow things simple (like saving a seat) out of proportion. On the other hand, girls are using a table for lunch - it was not structured - as a way to make his authority (such as that of a regular sit at the table, with the group).

There is a growing body of research, what researchers call relational aggression, said Dr. Kerrie Laguna, assistant professor of psychology at Lebanon Valley College. During the peak of physical aggression during the preschool period and a decrease for most children as they develop verbal skills improve, relational aggression toward young. This is the disadvantages of other relationships gossip, rumors, exclusion - and many studies have found that there is more common in women. Bullying behavior and a peak period in the college.

Tips for teenagers persist
Talk. Let your child that you are aware of the social hierarchy and control. Young adolescents often surprised when their parents go through this. Very clear about your own values. Free yourself to be popular on a continued desire for your child, looking for your own happy memories of the popularity of school or stay down, to live these painful memories. What do you want for your child to be popular, but for your child to have true friends and be himself. Tell him, and did not encourage him to take a little serious drama. Let him know that you agree with bullying and do not want to do.

In an interview with the school administration, or daily if the problem is serious enough that the child in school can be started. It is often useful to have more adults in the cafeteria, as a volunteer and mentor. Some schools also try to assign and rotate the seat to break the group. Do you have a club meeting at midday is another way to get children to sit on the nature of interest groups. Do not assume that everything can be done school, it can be and should be the action. Eleanor Chase said that so far, his daughter, the conversations that take place on the occasion, said over lunch, but always in a positive way. But Chase's life as a parent of a high school began. I could eat my words in one year. Teenage Girls Stress in the School When Lunch Time It begins innocently enough. Teenage Girls Stress in the School When Lunch Time are have problem where a group of girls have a regular table in the cafeteria.

Teenage Girls Stress in the School When Lunch Time It begins innocently enough. Teenage Girls Stress in the School When Lunch Time are

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