Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Troubled Teenage Girls Date Rape

Troubled Teenage Girls Date Rape is Teen girls rape is when young people are forced to have unwanted sexual contact. Troubled Teenage Girls Date Rape are Teenage girls victims of rape can be male or female. This article will be prevented with statistics on teen rape, rape, advice, and where to get help if you are a victim of rape. Rape is a serious crime, the victim may register with the police. A rape victim is never at fault, and should seek immediate medical attention. Rape is a teen crime area. In 2002, about 9 percent of adolescents reported not reported 12 percent of girls and 6 percent of young men, she had been raped, and many rapes. A rapist may use physical violence, fear, drugs or alcohol,

or other methods to force a teenager to have sex. Each act of vaginal, anal or oral rape if the teenager does not want it. Date rape also occur when adolescents engaged in a kind of sexual relationship, but was forced to perform sexual acts.

Rape is not always inevitable, but there are some things teens do to reduce risk, may reduce rape victims: Keep control, do not drink or drugs and not in the car with someone who does you know well. Try not to yourself, go to parties and other activities with friends, and watch the stick on the group. Always carry a cell phone or a phone card and some extra cash when you need to get out of a bad situation. Learn how to defend themselves. Decide what your limits are, think and remember that people who pressure you to change the default setting, you do not care about you, and should be avoided. When to force someone, something you do not want to try to do, he said out loud "no" and proceed. Make noise can help to attract and scare your attacker. Trust your instincts, if you do not feel comfortable with a person or situation to escape.

Rape drugs are often used to abuse the girl. Rape drug generally has no odor, taste or color and can be added to beverages without the knowledge of young adolescent. They encourage young people to be helpless, unable to move, see or leave it. To avoid becoming a victim of date rape drugs, teens should not drink alcohol need, and only drink container, they open and keep everything under control, even if they are in the bathroom.

If you know or think you were raped, what triggered the area with nothing, and go to the emergency room or police station shortly before bathing changing, bathing, urinating, or clothing . Nurse or doctor to treat you and take note of the violations and your check for evidence that could be used against your attacker. Even if you do not choose a lodge a complaint, you should seek medical help so you can be treated for injuries and checked for sexually transmitted diseases that can be distributed, even if the attacker to use a condom or force you to a relationship of oral or anal.

Rape Date cause harm emotionally, including debt, depression, sleeping anger, mistrust, and worthlessness, and difficulty or regular sex in the future. Rape victims should be informed of their recovery from the psychological violence of rape, and consider joining a support group for rape victims. Free advice is there for the victims in most areas of rape.

If you know someone is raped teen is to listen and comfort. To help people get medical care and advice, and reinforces the idea that rape is not a victim. Sources: local police, emergency professionals, and phone books can be sent to local help for rape victims, or contact the National Sexual Assault. Source Cleveland Clinic Adolescent Rape, robbery and rape GirlsHealth.gov, Security How to become a security-savvy is that rape and sexual abuse? U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, womenshealth.gov, sexual assault. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, womenshealth.gov, the date rape drug. Centers for Disease Control, Sexual Violence. Troubled Teenage Girls Date Rape is Teen girls rape is when young people are forced to have unwanted sexual contact. Troubled Teenage Girls Date Rape are Teenage girls victims of rape can be male or female.

Troubled Teenage Girls Date Rape is Teen girls rape is when young people are forced to have unwanted sexual contact. Troubled Teenage Girls Date Rape are

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